About This Website
What the story should be about?
You may have visited the ISKCON Boston Temple only once, or you might have lived here for many years. You may have experienced something that has affected you in some way in your life, significant or small. You want to hear memories about the "good ol times", or remember good, old friends. There are many stories, and maybe you want to share yours. If inspired, please do. Don't be shy. Even if someone doesn't remember you by name, or you are not sure about the context, others might remember. They may become inspired, and want to share their story as well. The posted memories, experiences, photos, film, video, audios, scans and articles will help to build a little corner of cyberspace where we can all contribute (again!) to the living, evolving story of the Boston Temple, and to remember your part in an almost fifty-year legacy.
If you are from India, this place might have helped you to feel at home. If you practice bhakti yoga, this place might have been the starting point in your life-long journey home, "back to Godhead". If you were hungry, a college student or vegetarian, this place might have been your best (and cheapest!) meal all week. If you needed a roaring kirtan to lift your spirits, or just time to think about life, this place gave you shelter. If it was something to you, then tell us what that is and how this place affected you. Tell us about the people you met here, and about the relationships you made here. Maybe it changed your life? Hopefully for the better, but please share from your heart, even if you are not interested in the same spiritual topics. You don't have to consider yourself a "Hare Krishna" to contribute, and we hope you may want to share your memories about your times at ISKCON Boston.
How it works?
In order to post your story you have to register and create an account first. You will be able to register and submit your story right away, but in order to avoid spam we will have to approve your content before it becomes public.
You can submit your story either in writing, as a video or audio file, or simply adding some photos. You can do one, or all of the above. The more you add, the more the story grows. At this time it is not possible to upload video files directly to this website, but you can upload them to youtube.com or vimeo.com and copy/paste the URL to the video field on story submission form. Audio files can be uploaded to this website directly as long as your file is not larger than 100 MB and it is in mp3 format. You can upload any number of photographs (jpeg, png format) that are related to your story.
Don't worry if you can't finish your story at one sitting. Once you have activated your account, you can come back later and continue - add, change, delete. This is your story and you will have full access to what you share, even after it has been published.
If you have any problems with registration process, posting or uploading your content please notify us at websupport@iskconboston.org